"Like a beautiful woman, which made me suffer a bit before I could have it"

dinsdag 18 februari 2014

Front quarter valance mountings.

Front brackets for the quarter valance's...

Front brackets for the quarter valance's... part 2
using a chinese 3in1 machine...

Disc brake calipers

Nice Thick heat resistant coating!
Looks good! I just need to find some brake caliper grease to reassemble them.

 I am quite happy with the results of PMV3030.

Suited for motorblocs, carters, gear-boxes, differentials, brakedrums and all other parts made of cast iron, steel or light alloys exposed to high temperature. Applied directly on the degreased metal (or better, treated before with our PHO 4090).
PMV 3030 is also suitable for exhaustpots and radiators, but is not suitable for exhaustcollectors, or internal motor parts.

zaterdag 1 februari 2014


Ready for a test fit.

So far so good.


Wip with the disc brake's